Saturday, August 20, 2011

What a year...

WOW...2011 has given me a run for my money. I cannot believe it's August already and school starts next week. Read this post from my coworker to get an idea of what summer at work has been like for me.

I am getting ready to do a search for a program Coordinator for our office. This is definitely not the time for a job search, but we have to do it or I'll be all alone all semester. Well, I take that back. We will do a search as soon as that job is posted. I like my job, but it is a struggle to realize that the department you work for is not receiving the support from the higher ups that you need it to in order to advance and do what is expected of you.

On a happier note, some friends of mine from home are moving to Arlington!!! I love the friends that I've made here, but it is great to have people that I've know for about 11 years move to the area. Here is the most recent picture I have of us which was a last year at their wedding. I saw them a couple weeks ago, but we didn't take any pictures.

In other news, I have a $500 plane voucher that I'm itching to use, but I can't decide where to go. My first thought was Vegas, but I'm not ready to gamble myself out of my house and everything I own. I want to go somewhere magical. Somewhere that will be a part of me for the rest of my life. Any suggestions?

So, I'm currently sitting in Panera and I had a weird encounter about an hour ago.

This is the shirt I have on.

As I am walking back to my seat, a guy (who looks homeless - I apologize for generalizing) says Ma'am or lady od chick or something...I love your shirt. I say thanks and think nothing of it. He says do you know what it's referencing? I say, I think so. My roommate jumps in and says Blaze is the mascot for our University. Were you thinking it was for blazing it up or soemthing like that? He says absolutely. I'm a wake and something (I think roll) man all the way. I am weirded out now. Seriously man, we are in Panera. Is this really appropriate talk?

He then says well everyone's going to go to school there. You gals are smart for marketing it that way. Umm, what? Didn't we just say it has nothing to do with smoking. He's says 420 is the way to go. Then he proceeds to ask if he can run a marketing idea past us? My silly, silly roommate says yes. I move my food to the other side of the table before he comes back with this plastic bag. He says that he's going to put the bag on the table for us to look at, but we can't wave the item around. He actually holds his hand up in the air as if the product is in his hand and waves it around. Then he says something about it being illegal. I say absolutely not. Roommate is still intrigued or something and he sits the dingy bag on our table and goes to the bathroom.

What's inside, you ask? It's an ice cream container that has been somewhat professionally designed with weeds and a scary looking monster man on it. The number 421 is along one of the sides and a name of a flavor. It looks like crap and it looks illegal.

He comes back and say dod you get it? Roommate is talking to him and I'm in my own world. He asks a couple more times and I say obviously not, what does it mean. He says 421 is the minute after. What? You know, one minute after. What? Then the next flavor will be 422 and 423.

Ok, I'm done. I need him to leave our table. Before he leaves, he talks about how there will be more stuff in this icecream and you will have to dig it out. I have no idea what stuff he is talking about. He talks about the monster man or weed (not sure) as an identity by say he will have items in the four major food cream, coffee, wine, and I'm not sure if he ever sayd a fourth.

Bizarre I tell you. I mean props for not completely losing your mind after however much stuff you've smoked, but dude, you are on a whole other planet if you think you will be allowed to sell an ice cream with leaves in it and 420 references on the container. Did you miss the fact that it is illegal?

Just when I think I can't be shocked...

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Last day

Today's the last day of the blog challenge. I'm celebrating tomorrow. Ice cream for everyone.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Birthday Blues

So, my 29th birthday is around the corner (June 5th) and I'm feeling all sorts of weird. It's not because I'm afraid to get old and crusty or my clocks ticking or any other crazy female nonsense. It's because I don't have anything planned nig or small. I usually always have some plans eben if their small. Last year, i went to my friends Alan's house for a couple days. It had been a really long time since I had meet someones family and stayed at their house, but I had a great time. We had planed to go to the casino and just chill. His sister made me a birthday cake, which i was not at all expecting and his mom cooked us some great food. It was nice to be with his family when i couldn't be with mine.

Don't take this as a pity plea, but I only have work friends and they are all settled into their lives, so that leaves me with my roommate. Her birthday is 2 days after mine. How crazy is that?

We've talked about a few things, one being a party. I'm not at the point where I feel I'm close enough or special enough to have a birthday party, so I suggested we have the party later on the month..we could still be celebrating, but people may not feel a weird obligation if it's not actually on our birthdays. Lauren's berm here dirt a while, so there are plenty of people she could invite. I need more months to make some friends.

Anyway, we also toyed with the idea of flying either for a day. I'd totally ne up fur that. We have been looking at lost minute deals, but we haven't found anything other than Vegaa (lauren's been and doesn't really wasn't to go back) and some podunk towns so far.

We have a couple days, so let me know if you come up with something cool that's under $200 per person.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Almost Over

The blog challenge or what's left of it... is over in a couple of days. It's been a good month and as usual, i have enjoyed readng posts from my fellow bloggers. I'm thankful that Aaron joined the challenge because he saved me from being the only one. Who knows what will happen to the challenge in the future, but I do enjoy it. I will probably continue in the coming years.

Happy blogging!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why do people ask you questions like that?

Someone recently asked me why I was single in a group of people that are all in relationships. I thought people had figured out a while back that asking someone that is totally taboo or at least just uncomfortable. Of course, I can say things like I'm too busy or I'm not looking for anyone or I haven't found the right one or some other statement that would be completely true, but they all still seem like excuses to the person asking, so why even ask.

I understand that being in a relationship is important and great... I've been in some great ones... But I would never ask someone why they got married in front of a group of people... Or alone for that matter. That would be like me saying man, did you screw up. It's inappropriate and uncalled for.

When I give relationship advice to someone specific tread, I tread like I'm on thin ice. It's typically after they bring up the subject and even then I try to stay in whatever area of the relationship they've brought up. Going into the overall relationship has backfired on me once and I vowed to never do it again. Reality about a broken relationship hurts all the same if they're not ready to hear it no matter how true your words are.

Do what you want and be with someone if you want to, but falling into the pressure of the media, friends and/or family almost never ends positive. I felt the need to blog about this because I feel like there are a ton of people that do something because they think they have to to get, acceptance, promotion, etc. This may be a bit of a jump from relationship talk, but I believe that kind of behavior is leading us down a path that will be difficult to return from.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Almost forgot

It's 11:51 and I almost forgot to post because I'm at the casino gambling my life away.

I'm up right now. Let's hope it starts that way.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

At the movies

I'm super excited because hangover is about to start. I think it's going to be amazing.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Often is Too Often?

When in a relationship, how often can you cancel on your partner for other people?


You make dinner plans with your mate for Friday at 7:30pm on Wednesday. Your mate calls your Friday at 6pm to tell you that they want to hang out with friends (of the same sex), so they need to take a raincheck and tell you that it's not too late to make plans with your friends.

You go hang out with your friends.

Saturday, your mate tells you that you they will make it up to you on Sunday. You say ok, great. Sunday comes and you get a text at 6:30 from your mate that says hanging out with those same people again. We'll get together Monday and it will totally be worth it.

Would your reaction depend on how long you've been together?
Do you factor in previous cancellations?
Do you factor in other issues?
Do you call them out on it?
What do you do?

So, most people know I have little to no tolerance for stupidty in relationships. Contrary to populat belief, it's simple. I know things come up, but this situation was not that way. The partner decided to do the activity with their friends instead doing it with their significant other...twice. They've also been together a long time. I'm not sure how often it happens, but the person I was talking to was UPset.

Along the same lines, If you live separately, how often do you get together and do things? People are so weird about how much time they spend with someone. I can't call too much because it will seem like I'm... (Insert craziness here) or I'm calling all the time because I...(insert craziness here). It should be I call you because I have something to say or I did this because I care or it reminds me of you. The response shouldn't be Why are you calling me so much or why don't you ever do anything with me?

Human relationships will probably forever intrigue me.

~Reel Moments~

It's Complicated (2009)

I know this movie includes an affair, but the concept of having plans and them being changed by someone else at the last minute or not at all is there.

Jane (Meryl Streep):

The last thing
in the whole world

I should be right now
is your mistress.

Sitting around
at nine at night,
wearing heels and perfume

and blowing all
the candles out

and wrapping
everything in Saran Wrap

because your wife
canceled her plans.

It was just,
it was...humiliating.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today, we finished our staff retreat, drove back to the city of Arlington, went to work to rearrange our new lobby furniture and my office furniture for over an hour (finally got my new desk), had a 2 hour conversation with a student about progress, mentality, concept of quality, etc., came home to eat dinner, flipped back and forth between biggest loser, dancing with the stars and the voice, and then to top it all off... I dealt with the possibility of golf ball sized hail and tornados. Seriously, I'm whipped.

Good Night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A New Found love!

Today, I got on a boat for the first time ever in life... And it was fantastic.

My coworker's family has a lake house andwe decided to go there for our staff retreat. I was super excited from tight go, but I didn't think that Iwould get to do the things that we ended up doing.

I'll skip over all the details of the retreat to get to the fun part and the pictures, but first I'll tell you that I've never been on a boat before. I was a bit skeptical, especially because Julie learned how to drive it yesterday.

Anyway, after uncovering the boat and getting it out of the dock, we headed on our way.

I wasn't much help in the beginning because I was falling all over the place, but I did take tons of picture.

Lake Kiowa is a beautiful community with tons of large houses.

I never wanted to live in a secluded location, and I still don't, but I could definitely visit or have like a summer house. Riding on the boat was one of the best experiences I've had thus far. It's so peaceful and so exciting at the same time I never in a million years thought I would love it, but I do.

My need to go on a cruise has skyrocketed. Seriously, I absolutely loved it. We drove for a while, went in an wmpty mansion...ok, trespassed, but whatevr. It was freaking huge. At one point, I was getting in a hot tub/jacuzzi (in the house) and I slipped and fell... There was totally water in the pool and I got it in with jeans. No, I did not know there was water in it. I thought I was falling into a black hole.

The picture below is right before I fell into what I thought wold pull me down forever.

After touring the rest of the house, we parked in the middle of the lake for anhour or two. I feel like I'm not doing the story any justice, so I'll just show you pictures.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I only have eyes for you...

It's funny or interested or ironic (or whatever word you want to use) when you meet someone and then you see them all of the time. The same thing happens when you know the type of person you like... You tend to see that type of person a lot or maybe you just notice them more than you notice other types. Well, Someone told me that they were into bald guys and it's crazy how much I notice bald men now.

I am currently in the bookstore and As of right now, I have seen about 20 guys that are bald. There were like 2 or 3 that weren't all the way bald, ut still. I can't remember a time when i've seen this many bald men in one location in such a short amount of time. After the 5th one, I was convinced that there was some type of bald man convention happening in the area. This is outrageous.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

the end of the world was beautiful

Seriously, today was such a beautiful day. Great weather, great mood and great activities. My roommate cooked us a fantastic breakfast at 11am, I went to a sosrority meeting and then to see pirates. I was having such a great day that I decided to go play bingo. I played both sessions at Pioneer and won on the very last game I played. See, great day. Since I won, I decided go play late night bingo at bingo bucks. Its about to start in 2 minutes, so I have to go.

I hope you had a great day as well.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I had a topic, but I changed my mind for 5 reasons

Earlier I was thinking that I would write about people supplying too much informaton when telling a story or asking for help because it happened to someone I know today. I don't what put anyone's business out there, so let's just say that it dealt with a sexual feeling... and that the person telling my friend was not a close friend.

It had definitely happened to me, but I've decided not to tell my story because I am just returning from seeing Fast five and OH! MY! GOODNESS! It was fan freaking tastic.

The people were hot, the dialogue was intriguing, the action was outstanding, and it just kept going and going. I was hanging on for dear life. They didn't provide a ton on technical knowledge ab out the heist, but I guess after you've watched the first few you need something else. I do appreciate the few times they added it though even though i have no idea what if they are giving correct info.

Muscles, muscles and bigger muscles was theme of this movie. Yes, there were average size fit men like Luda. Even Tyrese's body seemed smaller than usual. Vin Diesel's body was on point, but the Rock gave him more than a run for his money. His body is in a land all by his lonesome in the entertainment world, but I am okay with that. I don't like the facial hair thing he has going on, but I can ignore that because everything else looks grrreeeaaattt.

I haven't read any reviews, so I don't know what the consensus is on the movie. It will definitely be going into my collection and I may even go see it again while in theatres.

If you have seen it, I hope you stayed through the credits. WTF just happened? Was that really Letty? Dom's definitely going to get caught in the next one and I will be there to see it all unfold.

Here's the trailer if you've been living in a different world and haven't seen it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

He said what to you?

The following statements call for immediate and permanent separation...and depending on who you are, maybe a little self defense.

I always knew you were a slut
You don't deserve the things I give to you
You better not look like your mom when you get olderI can have you when I want you
Don't you ever or If you ever...(it doesn't matter what comes after that)
My last girlfriend did it, so why can you?
I want to get closer to you, so we should think about have a menage a trois
You stupid B***h
I don't know why we're together
Yes, I cheated (past or present), but it didn't mean anything...just sex.
I don't like you hanging out with...
You've really let yourself go
I didn't actually hit you, so you should be happy you got lucky
Why are you calling me? It's not my problem.
I settled...
I'm not making money to take care of you.
How stupid can you be?
Who run this house? You or me?
You're not wifey material (It doesn't matter if you wanted to marry him or not)

I can add to this list for days. The point I'm trying to make is that these statements don't only sound bad if they are said to you, but it makes you just as bad as the satement for staying. It's not worth it to stay and hear things like this. Just leave. Things like this eat away at your self esteem and creates bitterness inside. It makes life so much less enjoyable... and for what... a good #%&% or someone to watch a movie with. I hope that's it because starting a family with someone like this will hopefully not come back to bite you.

I don't know if leaving will be the smartest thing you've ever done, but it will be the most self-supportive thing you've ever done.

I almost wrote responses to those statements, but it just made me angry. These are not just things I've heard on TV or in passing. These are real statements that have been said to people I know over the past couple of years. Today, I heard one that just completely floored me. It's not on the list, but it is not even in the same category as any of the statements above.

Take care of the people you love, and leave the ones you don't love.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On the Wii again... (in my singing voice)

When I got in today, I decided that I wasn't going to put off working out any longer.. however, I didn't want to go the gym, so I pulled out the Wii Fit. This is the first time I have gotten on it since a couple of months before I moved to Texas.

I's gotta be like riding a bike. Once you know how, you never forget. That statement is very true in this situation. I remember the steps or moves or thrust like I've been doing them everyday. Unfortunately, I also remembered what it was like my first time playing on Wii fit... or rather my first time getting a beat down in Wii Fit. I was on it for exactly an hour and I am tired...any my back hurts a little.

I don't understand. It's not like I have been completely inactive since I've been here. I've probably been to the gym a total of 30 days and worked out at home quite a bit. I guess it's just a different kind of work out. I didn't burn off as many calories as I wanted, but I did continue moving for the entire hour. I even did a frew moves when in between games.

and to think... I was thinking about getting the insanity workout. I better slow my role.

I'm excited though... On my way to losing that 50 lbs by October.

May tomorrow bring more workouts.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No More

I got on Facebook right before I left work and I see this facebook status from a UTA student...

I got the worse phone call that a 20 yr old man could ever get. A phone call from your little brother crying that our mom just died at the age of 36 at home and I couldn't be there when my family needed me. :( RIP Mama I ♥ You!!! :(


I immediately go into crisis management mode.
Find student id number and student phone number...check
Find out where student is...check
Email Important University Staff about class, counseling and other resources...check
Meet student..check
Laugh a little...check
Discuss the upcoming week and how he wanted to proceed...check
Talk about the good times...check
Meet the cousin and some friends...check
Provide a little wisdonpm about strength, weakness, handling your responsibilities and taking care of yourself...check

Now, for some Wendy's to hit the spot.  Seriously, I need a break from traumatic events. This student is 20 years old, has a younger brother and a 12 year old sister. During the time I was ther, he went from talking clearly and saying I'm just going to take it one day at a time to crying in my shoulder and saying I'm mad because she's supposed to be here... She's supposed to be at my wedding and be at my brother's graduation in 2 weeks. I hate to be selfish, but this is unreal. 

Things like that just break my heart. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose everything, but thankfully his mom helped him move this past weekend. God always works things out even when we feel like things are crumbling down.

Cherish every moment.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Year of Skinny

Over the past year or so, plus size women have been falling into the category of not a plus size woman.

Some by choice (dieting or changing their eating habits) and some by default (careers). There are a ton of people who have been on weight loss journeys over the last year and for various reasons, but the people I'm talking about have gone on their journeys and have completely blown their journey out of the water... and in a record amount of time or at least it seems like it.

I've been on my journey off an on for a couple years. I do well when I'm not exteremely busy or not completely bored. My life needs to be balanced in order for me to really commit. Otherwise, I just can't get it together. The great thing is that I really only fluctuate about 15 lbs. Okay, that may not be great, but it's also not 30 or 50lbs or up and down. I stay fairly consistent unless I go on for weeks eating fast food and not working out or playing wii.

When I moved to TX, I was eating out all of the time, especially with Pizza Hut right upstairs from my office. I do love me some pizza. Anyway, I gained about 16 lbs from Dec to April, which is insane. I had to get it together, so I have lost 14 of those lbs and I definitely have more to lose.

I have given myself a deadline of October 1st to lose 50 lbs even though I plan to lose is before school starts on August 25th. I am about 20 lbs away from my lowest weight post graduation, but I want to blow my journey out of the water too. Yeah, it will be great to be more fit and not wear smaller sizes, but my motivation is also about conforming. I really want to pursue acting in the near future. I don't believe that there is an age that's too old to get into acting, but I do think it's easier if you're fit for your size. That is myh goal... It's not to be skinny, but to be a fit plus size girl. No abs... just no round belly. You get my drift.

Anyway, enough about me. Here are some before and after pics of some celebrities that have done one heck of a job getting in shape.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dinosaurs at the Zoo??? What year is it again?

For the past couple of weeks, people I know have been talking about going to see Dinosaurs at the zoo. You would expect me to think it's some type of exhibit, but I found myself questioning whether or not it was because of the things they were saying and how they were acting.

They all seemed shocked that they could go see Dinosaurs, so I asked what type of exhibit it was...and they would say It's just dinosaurs or I don't know, but I bet they are so big and scary. So, I would bite and say things like, are they just roaming around in a gated area at the Fort Worth Zoolike the other animals ? They would just give an uncomfortable laugh and continue talking about the zoo or change the subject. Really, is this happening?

I kept forgetting to look up this whole dinosaur situation until just a few seconds ago. You can all go to sleep with no worries... Dinosaurs are not raoming free or caged... It's an exhibit. :)

I feel silly for needing confirmation, but I was always told to never say something is impossible. Take a look at the exhibit below if you'd like( Most of you are in another state, so you won't be able to see the big and scary dinosaurs unless you come visit me before Jule 8th. Maybe there are dino's in your state.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I'm currently siting in my chair at the movies about to watch bridesmaids and I'm so excited... Even though my roommate didn't tell me until we got here that she saw it earlier today... She sucks butt.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Today is John Legend Day and update on online dating

Today was such a great day... Work was blah, but the afternoon was oh so great. The Graduation celebration was tonight and it was fantastic. To give you a little background info... The actual graduations happen all weekend in Texas Hall. Tonight was just a celebration, so no diplomas are given out. It's at an outside venue called the Levitt Pavillion (see below)and 2600 seats are set out for reserved seating.

There's free food for all and a jazz band that's plays until the show starts. It is important to note that this was only advertised as John Legend the speaker, not the singer. It didn't though... the seating area filled with no problems and there were plenty of people standing.

John's speech covered dedication and persistence and how graduation should be a given for the majority instead of a battle for the minority (my words not his)... He talked about giving back and giving freely. He talked about poverty and being humble amongst many other things. I learned a little about his childhood and some things that have pushed him to where he is today. I grateful for those things in his life because I'm sure he provided some of our new graduates and current students with motivation to be... to do... to live. Thank you Mr. Legend.

He then calmly walked over to the piano that the jazz band used to sing 2 songs about the of which was so relevant to our society. It talks about the responsibility of all and how things will stay the way the are until each and every one us decides that the world needs to be something else or something different. The crowd is going crazy because John Legend is on stage...and even though I have all of CD's and I know he's great... the clarity and strenght of his voice made my legs buckle a little. There was so much heart and soul behimd those words. It was remarkable and at one point I had wet eyes. I didn't cry and no tears fell, but I felt joy and hop as I looked out into crowd of people that were hanging on to his every word. The sky was a beautiful shade of blue... The weather was uncharacteristically pleasant... and it was a beautiful moment.

Mr. Legend finished the first 2 songs, got an encore and did a 3rd. It was just as great as the first 2, but better for the audience because it was one of his hits. And then, the fireworks began and it made a perfect night remarkable.

I also got to take a picture with Mr. Legend and the Volunteers.I didn't get to shake his hand or greet him because people were very uptight, but the greatness of the night made up for that.

I hope you are having a magical night wherever you are!

Update for online dating...

I found out today that day 5 equals facebook friends. Hmmm... Seems a little quick since everything that is done on facebook is taken as the most official that official can be. Thougths?
I'm sending this from my phone at 11:58 because blogger us down and I just thought about sending this email. I wonder if it will work.

Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My sky is sick

It was dark and then it was really really bright... And it was 8 pm. I need to pray.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

At a loss for words...and frankly, I'm frightened.

For the last however many months, there has been buzz, conversations,seminars, round table discussions, proposals and quite a few other things about gun rights in Texas. A couple months ago, our stugdent government had a forum about the topic to see where our students stood. There were some pros and some cons, but ultimately they voted no. Things started to calm down and the conversations about the topic kind of died down. It still needed to be voted on in the house and the senate, but I'm not sure anyone thought it would pass. I certainly didn't. History has shown us that concealed handguns on campuses is not something that University Officials are in support of.

Well... as I always tell my students, history can influence your future, but it doesn't have to dictate it. I use this statement them help them move forward, but I wish that it was somethine like Use your history as a outline to your future... or do as you/they did before you...

Yesterday, the senate voted to allow concealed handguns on campus in TX passed and I am very uncomfrotable with this. I got into Student Affairs to develop lives, not to protect lives. I think it still needs to go through the house before being signed, but I will have to do a bit kore investigating.

they have got to know that even thought justifications have been give, that the state of teaching and developing will change as a result of this. Challenge and support may ultimately become just support in fear that you may just push one students right over that line and that they MAY have weapon on them. Private conversations will be affected because closed doors may result in no one coming out. A typical calm, loving environment becomes one of threat and fear.

How are we supposed to live with that? how are we supposed to teach with that? how are we supposed to move forward.

Last night, I was thinking... I've been in Arlington for about 6 months and I have talked to Police Officers more this semester than I ever have in one semester. Now, the outcome for most of these situations have been very mild, but what if this law had passed at the beginning of the semester. Would the outcomes have been different?
I work in Greek Life, so why do I feel fear at all? t's because regardless of the titles and areas, we work with people and people can be unstable.

I keep thinking, I've only been here for 6 months. It's too early too live. There's so much more I can offer this community. There's so much more that they deserve to get from being in this community...and then I hear myself think "Is it really worth it to put your life in jeopardy?"

That may be a bit early, but I'm a future thinker, and the future is looking pretty bleak.

Think about the poosibility of a gun in classrooms, in restrooms, in offices, in residences halls, in the on campus police station, in the rec center,in libraries, in food courts, in large open areas...

Now think about a population of 33,000 plus possibly bringing a gun into those same areas.

Am I overreacting? I think not, and fortunately or unfortunately...I value my life and my sense of feeling protected or at least safe.

I don't know what the future holds, but....I don't know.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Online Dating...Good Idea or Death Sentence?

So, last night the commercial that says more relationships, more marriages came on and it got me to thinking about this whole I'm going to find my soulmate or at least my next fling online. I have known many people that have ventured that way and the results are all over the place. Some have loved it... Some have not understood it... Some have hated it... Some have been hurt by it... And some have strong opinions about it, but haven't actually tried it.

I will save my personal opinion about the topic for a little later, but I do have some questions and observations that I would like to share.

What makes someone decide to go to a website that is specifically for dating? Do they it's going to be a positive situation or a negative situation when before they sign up? What type of information do you give out during your first go at your profile? How long do you spend on the site the first time? Do you peruse the site for mates the first time or do you wait to be matched?

Do you put your all out there on the first person or do you wait until you've met a few different people? How do you decide who is telling you the truth? How can you tell who is lying? What do you talk about once you've made a connection? How do you know when it's time to love forward? What does moving to fast look like? What if you're interested in someone that isn't interested in you? What if it's the other way around? How do you say, sorry not going to work out?

When do you go on the first date? How do you decide who gets a second date? Do you introduce them to your friends? How do you tell your family? What do you tell your family and what will they say?

Do you let it turn into a relationship? Does the way you met make things worse or better after you've been in a relationship for a while?

Is meeting someone online for the first time the same as meeting someone in person for the first time? Does it have the same effect? Can you love that person just as much? Does it make you weak or strong for looking online?

What happens if it doesn't work out? Is it your fault?Is it their fault? Is it the companies fault? What if it's harmful? What if it's deadly? What if it miss you feel less loved than you felt in the beginning? What if it gets your hopes your hopes up over and over again, but there's never a connection? What if you never get a match? What if you get married and it ends terribly? What if it was the best choice you ever made? What if you have beautiful babies? What if your family falls in love with them? What if you live happily ever after?

So many questions and there millions more. Online dating has always been a bit of a mystery to me. I've gone to the sites and created profiles, but I've never paid for a subscription. I dating a guy for almost 2 years starting my senior year of high school that I met on Collegeclub. He went to Air Force towards the end if my freshmen year in college, so it just didn't last. Not a horrible breakup, just too much space in between us. So, I guess it dos work to a certain extent. I wasn't willing to move where he was going and I'm not even sure if he would have invited me. We talked on the phone and wrote letters for a while and then it just kind of died down. C'est la vie.

So, other than that situation over 10 years ago, I haven't actually done any online dating. I meet guys fairly often, but they are never my type. Some people say there are all types of people online so maybe it's the place to look since i'm not meeting Mr. right now...right now. ;). I'll probably never pay for a subscription though and eharmony only does so many free communication weekends.

I don't know...I just don't feel connected and confident enough in the process. Too many people I know have had horrible experiences and only a few that have had positive experiences. Of those few, 2 have married the person they met online. it just seems so impersonal and awkward to me, but go for it if it works for you. It's like deciding to look online can be a celebration or literally a funeral. Hopefully, very few end in the latter, but the reality is that the Internet is available to all types of people. You have to be careful who you're typing just might invite a sex offender home. Jokes and questions aside, it's a really interested topic to me.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and experiences if you have any or if you know of any.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Out with the old, and...

In with the roommate.

I checked out of budget suites this afternoon to move in to my new place.

I haven't actually moved in because we went to lunch and then shopping for nothing in particular, but it was great.

I've only put a hamper, bathroom necessities (in a bag) and the earrings that I bought in the house. Eventually i will get all my stuff in, but I just want to enjoy the weekend.

Pictures of the old and new to follow.

Friday, May 6, 2011

It finally happened!

A couple of days ago, I wrote about how much I loved my current living situation and then I wrote about how untrue that was. I've  been leisurely looking for an apartment for the past 5 months and I just hadn't found anything I even remotely liked.

Last week, I moved from being content to being annoyed with budget suites. Nothing in particular, probably a combination of school coming to an end and summer approaching. I don't want to spend my summer feeling unsettled because I wan't to explore and do other things.

So, i took off on tuesday to go find me a home. I saw some okay ones and some that were a definite no...and finally, I found one that I love. Spacious, large closets, garden tub, beautiful view of a lake and a golf course for the great price of $1010 a month for rent alone. WTF. I work in student affairs and wouldn't be able to eat after tacking on the rest of the bills. oh well, maybe on another life.

12 properties and more than 24 hours later, I'm back at work with no progress. A couple weeks ago, a division colleague mentioned that her roommate moved out last semester and she was looking for a new one. She has cats, so I was thinking that would be my lsat choice. Well, my coworker Jules is over me and my situation, so she moved that procesd along on Wed. I was scheduled yi visit her wed night to see if I liked the place and if we were a good fit.

I went, she showed, we talked money, I said yes.

The whole situation is perfect. Lauren is awesome, the house is huge...really huge, and rent is beyond reasonable. It's a match made in haven. I move in tomorrow and I can't wait. Now, we've talked about me not liking our doing  yardwork and she's good with that. I may mow some grass in the winter, but summer heat makes me really sad. She also started gardening recently, so I may take a stab at it, but one worm and I'm done.

Her cats seem harmless to me at the moment. The house doesn't smell like animal which I've known to be the case before, but I've also known the opposite. My eyes only itched for a few seconds, but that's probably because i touched the cat and didn't wash my hands.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to enjoying my staff and creating a lasting friendship with lauren.

Yay to new adventures!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What about a cat's ass?

Urban Dictionary definition...

Cat's Ass - A person,thing or event to be held in high regard. From the meticulous treatment and devotional attention a feline bestowes on its hindquarters. Not in wide useage.


That is definitely NOT what this post is about.

Last night, I went to visit a friend and there are cats... Two to be exact. i don't hate cats (or... animals), but I don't love them either. Anyway, my friend say her black cat love black people...hmm...

Moving on. She also has a tabby-looking cat that didn't come out until I had been over for about 30 minutes or so. Still, not what this post is about.

Sophie (black cat)is getting closer and closer, then she rubs her body on my legs, gets on the couch and kind of strolls by me rubbing her entire body on me. I rubbed her, so it wasn't completely ridiculous of her. This goes on as we continue talking. She jumps off the couch, roams around and I forget about her.

This is what happens next...

Basically, Sophie claimed her territory, told me that I wasn't welcome and was swatted away. I surrender because I can't deal with things like that. It's just too much for my soul.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Voice... OMG, The Voice!

I'm currently watching the latest episode of the Voice. For those of you that don't know, I absolutely love reality tv. I could watch it all day for years and years and years. So, obviously I was intrigued when I saw the first preview for this show. Not only does it deal with music (which is such a love for me more than anything in this world with movies coming in next).

Some songs have so much heart and soul in them and you are living on another planet if you think differently. This show has soul beyond soul. Christina, Blake, Cee-Lo and Adam... are combination unlike any other...and man... magical.

Their opening set was thrilling in for me. Four unique voices combined to make you shiver.

Before I post the opening set, I have to post this video with Jeff Jenkins singing Bless the Broken Road. I love cuntry music anyway, but this emulation of that song was... umm... absolutely perfect.

Take a look below if you haven't already seen it, but it doesn't matter... watch it again. The whole first episode is below if you'd like to watch it all.

I got chills just posting this here. I'm saying it here and now. This show will be around for a very long time and American Idol needs to re-evaluate. I used to lvoe American Idol, but it has definitely lost something over the years. I do really like the judges and there are some great singers that coem through that show. J-Hud is one of my favorites, so I don't want to discount what they do on that show. I think that The Voice has come at the right time to blow up... and let's hope it doesn't blow out Idol.

The competition between the judges adds a whole other level to this show. Everyone has a vested interest in doing byond the best. There is no room for failure for anyone and that will keep this interesting for those people that like music but love competition.

A few other things to mention is that Carson isn't extra... he makes a few jokes, but most of his commentary is about inspiration and music and love of this craft. Everyone on the show can sing. There are no fillers, just talent. Adam said that everyone on the show could win Idol. I think that may have been pushing it, but I do think that they could get on Idol and some could blow it out the water. These singers are not going anywhere and some of those that don't win or make it far will get picked up by someone.

Epsiode 2 is below and it is just as great, if not better than the first.

We're now 2 episodes in and I'm craving the next episode like I crave coffee. I need my fix and I need it now. Unfortunatlety, I can't zoom into next week every week, so I will just watch reruns.

NBC, you've found your Idol and it is stupendous!!!!

I'll try to post my favorites before next week's show.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Men are dogs... or at least they have potential to be.

As I sadi yeaterday, I took off today to go apartment searching. It was a beautiful day for searching and I ended up going to about 10 or 13 properties. A few blah ones, a few that would work, 2 gorgeous ones, and one that I'll probably end up getting because it's about $700 for almost 1100 sq ft.

Anyway, I get to the last property I'm going to visit of the day and as I'm walking in this guy says It's really busy, everybody is tyring to drop off a rent check. I said I'm trying to get a rent bill. ?he then proceeds to ask what I'm looking for and we're having a nice chat about the complex. He says that he moved moved in a couple of month ago with his fiance and they love it. Fairly quiet, great prices, spacious apartments, etc, etc, etc. He mentions his fiance about 6 or 7 more times. I was thinking, how about this a guy that talks about his woman to another woman in a positive manner and has no qualms about it. I think I actually smiled at the thought. I told him thanks for the info and said have a great day. He says ok and as we're leaving he says, oh you have a really beautiful smile (which debately is just a compliment), but then he says and wow, those lips are just wow.

I smiled, said thanks again and then started walking off. He didn't stop there though. He proceeds to say, It's Regina right... I say yes, and he says great I'm such and such (walker or mark or something). I can't wait until we see each other again.


Dating Advice of the day...

You never know what your mate is doing or saying to people and honestly you shouldn't worry about it. If you ever feel like you need to snoop around in their stuff or ask question about where they've been to get info instead or pure interest, or follow them or call cheaters to investigate... you should definitely leave that person.

There is no joy in feeling inadequate, unloved, betrayed or any other negative feeling related to your relationship or anything for that matter.

Relationships are not designed to be hard. Contrary to popular belief, it should be simple once you find that person that you want to spend your life with. You love each other, you talk about your deepest darkest secrets, you talk things through like adults, you account for that persons fears/petpeeves,you create new experiences, you experience each other, you live life. All that other nonsense that people go through in relationship is uncalled for and by choice. Life is so much more pleasurable if you have a stress free partner... and yes, they do exist.

Now, I don't really know what this guys intentions were, but there is a way to give a compliment without it becoming a flirty compliment. Learn how to do that or just be ready for people to assume you're a cheating b******. This is also true for women.

What do you think?

Was he providing a young lady a compliment on a nice summer day?


Was he providing a young lady with a compliment on a nice summer day in hopes that somethin (whatever) that is would happen next?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday! Not for real...

So, I woke up late this morning. Typically, it doesn't matter if I'm a few minutes late because I work late almost everyday anyway. However, today we were celebrating our Administrative staff and I was responsible for bringing the breakfast drinks (orange juice, chocolate milk and coffee creamer) for everyone. Needless to say that I didn't venture to the store on Sunday, so that was going to make me even later. It took me loads of time longer than I usually take to get up and I caught (yep caught) myself just sitting on the end of the bed staring at the closet doors. What the crap was that all about. My head was a little tilted too which made it even more bizarre. Anyway, I moved myself along and finally left the apartment at 9:02. The celebration was scheduled to start at 8:30. I sent a test that said I was on my way and I flew to the car. Ok, I actually walked, but I figured I was already late and if they hadn't gotten anything to drink by now then they could just wait a little longer.

Anywho, I'm driving thinking about how long it's going to take me to get in and out of Walmart... I decided that was out of the question. QT was my next choice. Let's just hope that the upscale gast station has chocolate milk, orange juice and coffee creamer. It has everything else including my morning coffee when I can't afford Starbucks or at least shouldn't spend 5 bucks on it. Low and behold, QT has everything I'm looking for. Granted, it's all much smalled than I need, but I can't be choosy. I load my arms with double of everything including the legit coffee creamer (french vanilla and sweet cream)and head to the counter. I'm on the way to work by 9:15 and I'm thinking, man did I make good time. I'll try to hide the gas station bags when I get to the kitchen. Didn't happen, boss man was walking out of his office and graciously took the bags from me. My fingers were a bit cramped. Whatever, it's not like I don't buy stuff from there for me. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for you.

Oh, I didn't mention the monsoon that engulfed us all today. Again, a bit dramatic, but when you're already moving slow, any rain especially lots of it doesn't help at all.

The rest of the day was pretty mild. We figured out where we're going for our staff retreat and I'm super excited. That post will come in a few weeks.

In other news, the blogging challenge is officially underway. I was a little skeptical about it happening being that a few of us have moved or are in the process of moving. It took an act of God to get it going in the first place, so let's just say I'm a bit shocked, but uber excited that it's happening. I have already read a few posts from fellow bloggers and so far so good. Looking forward to reading frim veterans and newcomers. I really enjoy this challenge and hope it happens every year until forever. I'm just kind flying by the seat of my knickers for this year. I thought about doing things that disgust me and cause internal vomiting, but figured that may be a little too much for the challenge, so I might just throw a couple in hear of there. Bloggers are below.


• A post must be made each week day in May, meaning weekends are not required, but may be bonus points later...every post should be made after 12:01 am and before 11:59 pm each day.
• In general, vacations, days off during the week, travel, etc. are not exemptions to blogging. If extenuating circumstances arise, we can discuss on a case by case basis.
• Everyone should take the time to read everyone else in order to make the voting better in the end.
• While themes are not required, they may be helpful bonus points.
• No word minimum.
• Be creative, show your personality, and love blogging!
• Voting will take place at the end of the month for individual category winners as well as the overall winner of the challenge.

Well, I guess that's about all for the moment... Oh, I just rented Wall Street and the next 3 days and I'm about to try to watch them both. I'm taking off tomorrow so I can go look for an apartment, but who says I can't sleep in for a bit. :)

Happy Blogging!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Journey of Change

This new journey of mine has tossed me around and almost landed me in a trash can somewhere. But just like always, I've made it through...about 6 months at least. I don't have many words to describe the experience so far, but the word insight comes to mind. Seriously you never really know until you know. Sometimes things are what they seem and sometimes they are not. I've definitely had my share of things like that over the years. It takes quite a bit of strength and courage to continue on a path when you know it will be a bit rocky, but doing that also brings out a renewed passion in what you do. My current has some challenges, but nothing that scares or intimidates me. I'm looking forward to my future at work and everything it has to offer.

Here are some pictures of UTA and my co-workers in case you were wondering where I work.

Work aside, I really have a pretty pathetic life right now. :) I spend multiple days a week at the bingo Hall spending way too much money, talking to people I barely know and hoping they will be there when I show up next time. Fortunately for me, 95% of th time, they are. The casino used to be the only gamaking type thing that took a lot of my money, but now it's Bingo because it's available 7 times a week and sometimes several times a day. I have been to the casino a couple times and just found out about 2 weeks ago that a charter bus goes from Arlington to the casino every day of the week, twice a day. And get's 8 bucks. You can barely get a combo meal for that price. M y joy of gambling aside, If I don't get a grip, my gambling addiction could put me in the poor house. When I first started this post, I had been clean for 5 days. That is not the case anymore. :( Wish me luck in the future with this addiction, although I'm not ready to quit, so not sure if this plea will really work.

My living arrangements are fantastic right now. I live in a place called Beyond and it is absolutely perfect. All the bills are included, free Internet and cable, nice pool, great parking, easy access to the highways....

So, I might be exaggerating just a tad. All my bills are included for a grand total of $707.00. I really can't beat that. There are apartments here for much less, but you get much less too and I don't want to settle for something I'm not satisfied with. Anyway, there is a gated pool that is used very often. My second floor apartment is at the end of the building overlooking the pool. Unfortunately, there is always about 20 or so kids and at least 15 or so young adults out there and it can get a bit loud. Ok, a lot loud and I usually want to throw bricks out my window and into the pool area to make it seem like I'm shooting at them so they will leave. Unfortunately for me, I have no bricks and I'm slightly frightened of the people that are down there. If great parking means I can find a spot in the complex, then I definitely have great parking. If that also means that someone will ram their car door into mine while I am in the car, acknowledge that they have seen me, roll their eyes at me and keep going, then again, I have great parking. I do have great access to the highways though, the exit is literally right across the street. Unfortunately for me, I don't need the highway to get to work, so I usually have to wait until the traffic dies down to make a right turn. But, those things don't matter because my apartment is great, less than 500 sq ft. and a wall air conditioner/heater that doesn't keep th apartment at the set temperature for more than 5 minutes, if that. I do have a house phone that is included in the rent. I've picked it up once when the office called to tell me I had received a free razor in my office mailbox. I was super excited. It had 4 blades and was brand new. Man, do I love living in th Beyond... Budget Suites and beyond is fabulous and has my vote for sure. Being able to pay by the day, week or month has never seemed so appealing, right?

This is why I love Texas... Man, isn't my life grand?

Ok, so I'm being a bit dramatic. I am actually enjoying my stay so far. I need to make time to see Arlington and surrounding cities, which I plan to do in the coming weeks. I also need to get an apartment. I just haven't found one that I like enough to pay for. It will happen when the time is right. I do need to make some Texas friends so I won't want to go play bingo every day of every week. A friend of mine is coming to visit this summer and I'm going to go facilitate at a conference this summer, so that shoud take me away from it for a couple of days. I also have to eventually go get my things out of storage in Florida. I did just get another year at $50, so maybe I shouldn't rush.

I'm off to make more Texas memories. Hoping you're making some of your own.

~Reel Moments~

National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
Mitch Wilkinson (Ed Harris): "A man has only one life time." "But history can remember you forever."

Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's Time for Blog-A-Day in May!

This year has passed me by so fast that I almost don't remember it. Ok, that's so not true, but it has really gone fast. I can't believe it's been almost a year since I left Tallahassee, almost a year since I've seen some of my friends, almost a year since I've done quite a few things including blogged everyday in May.

Well, time waits on no one, so I shall once again practice some discipline by waking up earlier than I do or going to bed later than usual in order to rack my brain for thoughts or whatever ridiculous udeas cine to mind.

Things will be a little different now that I'm in Texas, but I'm still the same person. I just have new surrounding, new people, new craziness andnew adventures to talk about.

I'm thinking I won't have a theme this year. My life right now is so fly by the seat of my pants that it just wouldn't make sense to theme my blog. Maybe I'll just add some pieces that connect the whole puzzle... or maybe I'll have a theme. Who knows?

Anyway, I'm not sure who is participating this year, but we'll see as May rapidly approaches us.

I guess that's all for now. I'm extrememly exhausted and I definitely need to sleep until next Friday.YES, That would probably mean that I'm not alive, but man do I need to rest. I'm not talking about uncomfortable, I know I have other things to do, but I can't stay awake rest. I'm talking about feeling like I've been chased by wolves, beat with 2X4's, robbed at gunpoint over and over again rest. Man, I'm beat.

Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Monday!

Today is January 10th. My wonderful mother was born on this day many years ago and I am so grateful that she was. She is my best friend through thick and thin. She is currently sleeping, but will awake to a happy birthday surprise from me thanks to my newly acquired salary.

That aside, Today is my 16th day at my job and I am starting to feel the pressure. I'm not stumped or anything, but catchin up, inputting my thoughts, and planning programs all before school starts on the 18th has slightly increased my heartrate. I am currently planning a "Bond"fire (bonfire). Those that know me know that nature and I are close friends. We are entities that co-exist only because we have to. I have ideas, but time is of the essence. Fire, darkness,and uncontrollable weather aren't things that I would consider fun. However, I love a challenge and I am excited about the possibilities. I'm pretty sure I will enjoy myself as long as there are very few bugs.

The event is January 21st. That is less than 2 weeks. Currently there is no publicity out, no partnerships, no buy in. I definitely have my work cut out for me. I'm setting goals that I believe are attainable in the amount of time alotted. Wish me luck.