Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why do people ask you questions like that?

Someone recently asked me why I was single in a group of people that are all in relationships. I thought people had figured out a while back that asking someone that is totally taboo or at least just uncomfortable. Of course, I can say things like I'm too busy or I'm not looking for anyone or I haven't found the right one or some other statement that would be completely true, but they all still seem like excuses to the person asking, so why even ask.

I understand that being in a relationship is important and great... I've been in some great ones... But I would never ask someone why they got married in front of a group of people... Or alone for that matter. That would be like me saying man, did you screw up. It's inappropriate and uncalled for.

When I give relationship advice to someone specific tread, I tread like I'm on thin ice. It's typically after they bring up the subject and even then I try to stay in whatever area of the relationship they've brought up. Going into the overall relationship has backfired on me once and I vowed to never do it again. Reality about a broken relationship hurts all the same if they're not ready to hear it no matter how true your words are.

Do what you want and be with someone if you want to, but falling into the pressure of the media, friends and/or family almost never ends positive. I felt the need to blog about this because I feel like there are a ton of people that do something because they think they have to to get, acceptance, promotion, etc. This may be a bit of a jump from relationship talk, but I believe that kind of behavior is leading us down a path that will be difficult to return from.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Almost forgot

It's 11:51 and I almost forgot to post because I'm at the casino gambling my life away.

I'm up right now. Let's hope it starts that way.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

At the movies

I'm super excited because hangover is about to start. I think it's going to be amazing.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Often is Too Often?

When in a relationship, how often can you cancel on your partner for other people?


You make dinner plans with your mate for Friday at 7:30pm on Wednesday. Your mate calls your Friday at 6pm to tell you that they want to hang out with friends (of the same sex), so they need to take a raincheck and tell you that it's not too late to make plans with your friends.

You go hang out with your friends.

Saturday, your mate tells you that you they will make it up to you on Sunday. You say ok, great. Sunday comes and you get a text at 6:30 from your mate that says hanging out with those same people again. We'll get together Monday and it will totally be worth it.

Would your reaction depend on how long you've been together?
Do you factor in previous cancellations?
Do you factor in other issues?
Do you call them out on it?
What do you do?

So, most people know I have little to no tolerance for stupidty in relationships. Contrary to populat belief, it's simple. I know things come up, but this situation was not that way. The partner decided to do the activity with their friends instead doing it with their significant other...twice. They've also been together a long time. I'm not sure how often it happens, but the person I was talking to was UPset.

Along the same lines, If you live separately, how often do you get together and do things? People are so weird about how much time they spend with someone. I can't call too much because it will seem like I'm... (Insert craziness here) or I'm calling all the time because I...(insert craziness here). It should be I call you because I have something to say or I did this because I care or it reminds me of you. The response shouldn't be Why are you calling me so much or why don't you ever do anything with me?

Human relationships will probably forever intrigue me.

~Reel Moments~

It's Complicated (2009)

I know this movie includes an affair, but the concept of having plans and them being changed by someone else at the last minute or not at all is there.

Jane (Meryl Streep):

The last thing
in the whole world

I should be right now
is your mistress.

Sitting around
at nine at night,
wearing heels and perfume

and blowing all
the candles out

and wrapping
everything in Saran Wrap

because your wife
canceled her plans.

It was just,
it was...humiliating.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Today, we finished our staff retreat, drove back to the city of Arlington, went to work to rearrange our new lobby furniture and my office furniture for over an hour (finally got my new desk), had a 2 hour conversation with a student about progress, mentality, concept of quality, etc., came home to eat dinner, flipped back and forth between biggest loser, dancing with the stars and the voice, and then to top it all off... I dealt with the possibility of golf ball sized hail and tornados. Seriously, I'm whipped.

Good Night.

Monday, May 23, 2011

A New Found love!

Today, I got on a boat for the first time ever in life... And it was fantastic.

My coworker's family has a lake house andwe decided to go there for our staff retreat. I was super excited from tight go, but I didn't think that Iwould get to do the things that we ended up doing.

I'll skip over all the details of the retreat to get to the fun part and the pictures, but first I'll tell you that I've never been on a boat before. I was a bit skeptical, especially because Julie learned how to drive it yesterday.

Anyway, after uncovering the boat and getting it out of the dock, we headed on our way.

I wasn't much help in the beginning because I was falling all over the place, but I did take tons of picture.

Lake Kiowa is a beautiful community with tons of large houses.

I never wanted to live in a secluded location, and I still don't, but I could definitely visit or have like a summer house. Riding on the boat was one of the best experiences I've had thus far. It's so peaceful and so exciting at the same time I never in a million years thought I would love it, but I do.

My need to go on a cruise has skyrocketed. Seriously, I absolutely loved it. We drove for a while, went in an wmpty mansion...ok, trespassed, but whatevr. It was freaking huge. At one point, I was getting in a hot tub/jacuzzi (in the house) and I slipped and fell... There was totally water in the pool and I got it in with jeans. No, I did not know there was water in it. I thought I was falling into a black hole.

The picture below is right before I fell into what I thought wold pull me down forever.

After touring the rest of the house, we parked in the middle of the lake for anhour or two. I feel like I'm not doing the story any justice, so I'll just show you pictures.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I only have eyes for you...

It's funny or interested or ironic (or whatever word you want to use) when you meet someone and then you see them all of the time. The same thing happens when you know the type of person you like... You tend to see that type of person a lot or maybe you just notice them more than you notice other types. Well, Someone told me that they were into bald guys and it's crazy how much I notice bald men now.

I am currently in the bookstore and As of right now, I have seen about 20 guys that are bald. There were like 2 or 3 that weren't all the way bald, ut still. I can't remember a time when i've seen this many bald men in one location in such a short amount of time. After the 5th one, I was convinced that there was some type of bald man convention happening in the area. This is outrageous.