Sunday, May 22, 2011

I only have eyes for you...

It's funny or interested or ironic (or whatever word you want to use) when you meet someone and then you see them all of the time. The same thing happens when you know the type of person you like... You tend to see that type of person a lot or maybe you just notice them more than you notice other types. Well, Someone told me that they were into bald guys and it's crazy how much I notice bald men now.

I am currently in the bookstore and As of right now, I have seen about 20 guys that are bald. There were like 2 or 3 that weren't all the way bald, ut still. I can't remember a time when i've seen this many bald men in one location in such a short amount of time. After the 5th one, I was convinced that there was some type of bald man convention happening in the area. This is outrageous.


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