Saturday, May 7, 2011

Out with the old, and...

In with the roommate.

I checked out of budget suites this afternoon to move in to my new place.

I haven't actually moved in because we went to lunch and then shopping for nothing in particular, but it was great.

I've only put a hamper, bathroom necessities (in a bag) and the earrings that I bought in the house. Eventually i will get all my stuff in, but I just want to enjoy the weekend.

Pictures of the old and new to follow.

Friday, May 6, 2011

It finally happened!

A couple of days ago, I wrote about how much I loved my current living situation and then I wrote about how untrue that was. I've  been leisurely looking for an apartment for the past 5 months and I just hadn't found anything I even remotely liked.

Last week, I moved from being content to being annoyed with budget suites. Nothing in particular, probably a combination of school coming to an end and summer approaching. I don't want to spend my summer feeling unsettled because I wan't to explore and do other things.

So, i took off on tuesday to go find me a home. I saw some okay ones and some that were a definite no...and finally, I found one that I love. Spacious, large closets, garden tub, beautiful view of a lake and a golf course for the great price of $1010 a month for rent alone. WTF. I work in student affairs and wouldn't be able to eat after tacking on the rest of the bills. oh well, maybe on another life.

12 properties and more than 24 hours later, I'm back at work with no progress. A couple weeks ago, a division colleague mentioned that her roommate moved out last semester and she was looking for a new one. She has cats, so I was thinking that would be my lsat choice. Well, my coworker Jules is over me and my situation, so she moved that procesd along on Wed. I was scheduled yi visit her wed night to see if I liked the place and if we were a good fit.

I went, she showed, we talked money, I said yes.

The whole situation is perfect. Lauren is awesome, the house is huge...really huge, and rent is beyond reasonable. It's a match made in haven. I move in tomorrow and I can't wait. Now, we've talked about me not liking our doing  yardwork and she's good with that. I may mow some grass in the winter, but summer heat makes me really sad. She also started gardening recently, so I may take a stab at it, but one worm and I'm done.

Her cats seem harmless to me at the moment. The house doesn't smell like animal which I've known to be the case before, but I've also known the opposite. My eyes only itched for a few seconds, but that's probably because i touched the cat and didn't wash my hands.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to enjoying my staff and creating a lasting friendship with lauren.

Yay to new adventures!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What about a cat's ass?

Urban Dictionary definition...

Cat's Ass - A person,thing or event to be held in high regard. From the meticulous treatment and devotional attention a feline bestowes on its hindquarters. Not in wide useage.


That is definitely NOT what this post is about.

Last night, I went to visit a friend and there are cats... Two to be exact. i don't hate cats (or... animals), but I don't love them either. Anyway, my friend say her black cat love black people...hmm...

Moving on. She also has a tabby-looking cat that didn't come out until I had been over for about 30 minutes or so. Still, not what this post is about.

Sophie (black cat)is getting closer and closer, then she rubs her body on my legs, gets on the couch and kind of strolls by me rubbing her entire body on me. I rubbed her, so it wasn't completely ridiculous of her. This goes on as we continue talking. She jumps off the couch, roams around and I forget about her.

This is what happens next...

Basically, Sophie claimed her territory, told me that I wasn't welcome and was swatted away. I surrender because I can't deal with things like that. It's just too much for my soul.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Voice... OMG, The Voice!

I'm currently watching the latest episode of the Voice. For those of you that don't know, I absolutely love reality tv. I could watch it all day for years and years and years. So, obviously I was intrigued when I saw the first preview for this show. Not only does it deal with music (which is such a love for me more than anything in this world with movies coming in next).

Some songs have so much heart and soul in them and you are living on another planet if you think differently. This show has soul beyond soul. Christina, Blake, Cee-Lo and Adam... are combination unlike any other...and man... magical.

Their opening set was thrilling in for me. Four unique voices combined to make you shiver.

Before I post the opening set, I have to post this video with Jeff Jenkins singing Bless the Broken Road. I love cuntry music anyway, but this emulation of that song was... umm... absolutely perfect.

Take a look below if you haven't already seen it, but it doesn't matter... watch it again. The whole first episode is below if you'd like to watch it all.

I got chills just posting this here. I'm saying it here and now. This show will be around for a very long time and American Idol needs to re-evaluate. I used to lvoe American Idol, but it has definitely lost something over the years. I do really like the judges and there are some great singers that coem through that show. J-Hud is one of my favorites, so I don't want to discount what they do on that show. I think that The Voice has come at the right time to blow up... and let's hope it doesn't blow out Idol.

The competition between the judges adds a whole other level to this show. Everyone has a vested interest in doing byond the best. There is no room for failure for anyone and that will keep this interesting for those people that like music but love competition.

A few other things to mention is that Carson isn't extra... he makes a few jokes, but most of his commentary is about inspiration and music and love of this craft. Everyone on the show can sing. There are no fillers, just talent. Adam said that everyone on the show could win Idol. I think that may have been pushing it, but I do think that they could get on Idol and some could blow it out the water. These singers are not going anywhere and some of those that don't win or make it far will get picked up by someone.

Epsiode 2 is below and it is just as great, if not better than the first.

We're now 2 episodes in and I'm craving the next episode like I crave coffee. I need my fix and I need it now. Unfortunatlety, I can't zoom into next week every week, so I will just watch reruns.

NBC, you've found your Idol and it is stupendous!!!!

I'll try to post my favorites before next week's show.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Men are dogs... or at least they have potential to be.

As I sadi yeaterday, I took off today to go apartment searching. It was a beautiful day for searching and I ended up going to about 10 or 13 properties. A few blah ones, a few that would work, 2 gorgeous ones, and one that I'll probably end up getting because it's about $700 for almost 1100 sq ft.

Anyway, I get to the last property I'm going to visit of the day and as I'm walking in this guy says It's really busy, everybody is tyring to drop off a rent check. I said I'm trying to get a rent bill. ?he then proceeds to ask what I'm looking for and we're having a nice chat about the complex. He says that he moved moved in a couple of month ago with his fiance and they love it. Fairly quiet, great prices, spacious apartments, etc, etc, etc. He mentions his fiance about 6 or 7 more times. I was thinking, how about this a guy that talks about his woman to another woman in a positive manner and has no qualms about it. I think I actually smiled at the thought. I told him thanks for the info and said have a great day. He says ok and as we're leaving he says, oh you have a really beautiful smile (which debately is just a compliment), but then he says and wow, those lips are just wow.

I smiled, said thanks again and then started walking off. He didn't stop there though. He proceeds to say, It's Regina right... I say yes, and he says great I'm such and such (walker or mark or something). I can't wait until we see each other again.


Dating Advice of the day...

You never know what your mate is doing or saying to people and honestly you shouldn't worry about it. If you ever feel like you need to snoop around in their stuff or ask question about where they've been to get info instead or pure interest, or follow them or call cheaters to investigate... you should definitely leave that person.

There is no joy in feeling inadequate, unloved, betrayed or any other negative feeling related to your relationship or anything for that matter.

Relationships are not designed to be hard. Contrary to popular belief, it should be simple once you find that person that you want to spend your life with. You love each other, you talk about your deepest darkest secrets, you talk things through like adults, you account for that persons fears/petpeeves,you create new experiences, you experience each other, you live life. All that other nonsense that people go through in relationship is uncalled for and by choice. Life is so much more pleasurable if you have a stress free partner... and yes, they do exist.

Now, I don't really know what this guys intentions were, but there is a way to give a compliment without it becoming a flirty compliment. Learn how to do that or just be ready for people to assume you're a cheating b******. This is also true for women.

What do you think?

Was he providing a young lady a compliment on a nice summer day?


Was he providing a young lady with a compliment on a nice summer day in hopes that somethin (whatever) that is would happen next?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday! Not for real...

So, I woke up late this morning. Typically, it doesn't matter if I'm a few minutes late because I work late almost everyday anyway. However, today we were celebrating our Administrative staff and I was responsible for bringing the breakfast drinks (orange juice, chocolate milk and coffee creamer) for everyone. Needless to say that I didn't venture to the store on Sunday, so that was going to make me even later. It took me loads of time longer than I usually take to get up and I caught (yep caught) myself just sitting on the end of the bed staring at the closet doors. What the crap was that all about. My head was a little tilted too which made it even more bizarre. Anyway, I moved myself along and finally left the apartment at 9:02. The celebration was scheduled to start at 8:30. I sent a test that said I was on my way and I flew to the car. Ok, I actually walked, but I figured I was already late and if they hadn't gotten anything to drink by now then they could just wait a little longer.

Anywho, I'm driving thinking about how long it's going to take me to get in and out of Walmart... I decided that was out of the question. QT was my next choice. Let's just hope that the upscale gast station has chocolate milk, orange juice and coffee creamer. It has everything else including my morning coffee when I can't afford Starbucks or at least shouldn't spend 5 bucks on it. Low and behold, QT has everything I'm looking for. Granted, it's all much smalled than I need, but I can't be choosy. I load my arms with double of everything including the legit coffee creamer (french vanilla and sweet cream)and head to the counter. I'm on the way to work by 9:15 and I'm thinking, man did I make good time. I'll try to hide the gas station bags when I get to the kitchen. Didn't happen, boss man was walking out of his office and graciously took the bags from me. My fingers were a bit cramped. Whatever, it's not like I don't buy stuff from there for me. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for you.

Oh, I didn't mention the monsoon that engulfed us all today. Again, a bit dramatic, but when you're already moving slow, any rain especially lots of it doesn't help at all.

The rest of the day was pretty mild. We figured out where we're going for our staff retreat and I'm super excited. That post will come in a few weeks.

In other news, the blogging challenge is officially underway. I was a little skeptical about it happening being that a few of us have moved or are in the process of moving. It took an act of God to get it going in the first place, so let's just say I'm a bit shocked, but uber excited that it's happening. I have already read a few posts from fellow bloggers and so far so good. Looking forward to reading frim veterans and newcomers. I really enjoy this challenge and hope it happens every year until forever. I'm just kind flying by the seat of my knickers for this year. I thought about doing things that disgust me and cause internal vomiting, but figured that may be a little too much for the challenge, so I might just throw a couple in hear of there. Bloggers are below.


• A post must be made each week day in May, meaning weekends are not required, but may be bonus points later...every post should be made after 12:01 am and before 11:59 pm each day.
• In general, vacations, days off during the week, travel, etc. are not exemptions to blogging. If extenuating circumstances arise, we can discuss on a case by case basis.
• Everyone should take the time to read everyone else in order to make the voting better in the end.
• While themes are not required, they may be helpful bonus points.
• No word minimum.
• Be creative, show your personality, and love blogging!
• Voting will take place at the end of the month for individual category winners as well as the overall winner of the challenge.

Well, I guess that's about all for the moment... Oh, I just rented Wall Street and the next 3 days and I'm about to try to watch them both. I'm taking off tomorrow so I can go look for an apartment, but who says I can't sleep in for a bit. :)

Happy Blogging!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Journey of Change

This new journey of mine has tossed me around and almost landed me in a trash can somewhere. But just like always, I've made it through...about 6 months at least. I don't have many words to describe the experience so far, but the word insight comes to mind. Seriously you never really know until you know. Sometimes things are what they seem and sometimes they are not. I've definitely had my share of things like that over the years. It takes quite a bit of strength and courage to continue on a path when you know it will be a bit rocky, but doing that also brings out a renewed passion in what you do. My current has some challenges, but nothing that scares or intimidates me. I'm looking forward to my future at work and everything it has to offer.

Here are some pictures of UTA and my co-workers in case you were wondering where I work.

Work aside, I really have a pretty pathetic life right now. :) I spend multiple days a week at the bingo Hall spending way too much money, talking to people I barely know and hoping they will be there when I show up next time. Fortunately for me, 95% of th time, they are. The casino used to be the only gamaking type thing that took a lot of my money, but now it's Bingo because it's available 7 times a week and sometimes several times a day. I have been to the casino a couple times and just found out about 2 weeks ago that a charter bus goes from Arlington to the casino every day of the week, twice a day. And get's 8 bucks. You can barely get a combo meal for that price. M y joy of gambling aside, If I don't get a grip, my gambling addiction could put me in the poor house. When I first started this post, I had been clean for 5 days. That is not the case anymore. :( Wish me luck in the future with this addiction, although I'm not ready to quit, so not sure if this plea will really work.

My living arrangements are fantastic right now. I live in a place called Beyond and it is absolutely perfect. All the bills are included, free Internet and cable, nice pool, great parking, easy access to the highways....

So, I might be exaggerating just a tad. All my bills are included for a grand total of $707.00. I really can't beat that. There are apartments here for much less, but you get much less too and I don't want to settle for something I'm not satisfied with. Anyway, there is a gated pool that is used very often. My second floor apartment is at the end of the building overlooking the pool. Unfortunately, there is always about 20 or so kids and at least 15 or so young adults out there and it can get a bit loud. Ok, a lot loud and I usually want to throw bricks out my window and into the pool area to make it seem like I'm shooting at them so they will leave. Unfortunately for me, I have no bricks and I'm slightly frightened of the people that are down there. If great parking means I can find a spot in the complex, then I definitely have great parking. If that also means that someone will ram their car door into mine while I am in the car, acknowledge that they have seen me, roll their eyes at me and keep going, then again, I have great parking. I do have great access to the highways though, the exit is literally right across the street. Unfortunately for me, I don't need the highway to get to work, so I usually have to wait until the traffic dies down to make a right turn. But, those things don't matter because my apartment is great, less than 500 sq ft. and a wall air conditioner/heater that doesn't keep th apartment at the set temperature for more than 5 minutes, if that. I do have a house phone that is included in the rent. I've picked it up once when the office called to tell me I had received a free razor in my office mailbox. I was super excited. It had 4 blades and was brand new. Man, do I love living in th Beyond... Budget Suites and beyond is fabulous and has my vote for sure. Being able to pay by the day, week or month has never seemed so appealing, right?

This is why I love Texas... Man, isn't my life grand?

Ok, so I'm being a bit dramatic. I am actually enjoying my stay so far. I need to make time to see Arlington and surrounding cities, which I plan to do in the coming weeks. I also need to get an apartment. I just haven't found one that I like enough to pay for. It will happen when the time is right. I do need to make some Texas friends so I won't want to go play bingo every day of every week. A friend of mine is coming to visit this summer and I'm going to go facilitate at a conference this summer, so that shoud take me away from it for a couple of days. I also have to eventually go get my things out of storage in Florida. I did just get another year at $50, so maybe I shouldn't rush.

I'm off to make more Texas memories. Hoping you're making some of your own.

~Reel Moments~

National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007)
Mitch Wilkinson (Ed Harris): "A man has only one life time." "But history can remember you forever."