Saturday, May 30, 2009

*Being Creative*

Today, I am going to begin learning a new trade. I am going to work towards making my own blog template. I am pretty good with computer HTML and webdesign. Lately, I have just been finding a template that I like, and modifying it for my taste. The problem with that is that only pieces of the template fit my personality. The current one I am using has great colors, looks a little professional, but has flowers. See, I am not really a flower-liking female. I want my template to reflect who I am, and the only way to get that is to create it on my own. So, wish me luck as I take the skills that I have and the skills I plan on learning to create a brand for my blog site.


Micky Rosa: Choi, you made five grand last night. So would you stop stealing 9 cent pens and everything you can get your hands on from the maid's cart. It's embarrassing!

Friday, May 29, 2009


So,yesterday started as a typical day. I got up, got ready for work,ran into some traffic while they were working on Tennessee, went to meetings, typed some emails, ate some lunch, and typed more emails.

A new addition to this Thursday was that I left work and headed over to T's house with some other people to eat make and eat pizza, discuss a book, and shoot the breeze. All the while, I'm waiting for bits and pieces of the coffee crew to call/text me about having coffee.

At around 10, I wanted to call my mom. I realized my phone was in the car. This is why I hadn't head from the coffee crew. I have 4 missed calls, and 6 text messages (one of which called me Lame-ina as if it is not lame to say something like lame-ina). Anyway, I missed coffee night and so you think you can dance.

I told myself I would get over all of that. Kels has DVR and we can watch SYTYCD later. I talked to Kelly about the above paragraph, grabbed a diet coke from the coke machine, and went inside.

I read a little and then conked out. I was pretty exhausted.

I woke of this morning with a great big F**K when I realized that I did not blog yesterday. The challenge ends today and I F'ed up the day before it was over. What the F'ing CRAP.

Seriously, I am a useless piece of crap. It's not like I forgot on the 2nd day or something. That would just be ridiculous. I don't think I'm going to get any sort of amnesty, so whatever I'm over it.

Dumb & Dumber:

Lloyd: Well, it's not gonna do us any good sitting here whining about it. We're in a hole. We're just going to have to dig ourselves out.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


What is a tradition?

Wiki - Beliefs or customs taught by one generation to the next, often orally.

Merriam- Webster - an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (as a religious practice or a social custom)

When I think about the traditions that I have been a part of over the years, I think that I should have been a part of more. These are the things that help you stay connected to the people you care about, the things you love to do, and give you a life to live.

Here are a few of the traditions that I was a part of and helped create.

  • Opening at least one present on at 12:00AM on Christmas morning - (from family not Santa- He only comes while you're sleeping)
  • Eating black eye peas and cornbread on New Years - one of Grandma's specialty meals
  • buying at least one of my mom's Christmas presents with my brother
Most of the traditions that I had/have are going to be holiday traditions. In college, I sstarted doing more of the things I like on a regular basis, such as:

  • Bowling
  • reading
  • working out
  • traveling
But....I think things are so much more important and fun if you can look forward to them every other whatever.

Of course, I can't go back and change the past (not sure I would if I could), but I can live for the now and create some new things that I enjoy.

I was a part of creating coffee night, which in my opinion has fallen by the wayside (others seem to disagree - smile ), but it was great because I had something to look forward to every Thursday.

I have joined someone else in their hope of creating a new tradition that is women, wine, and conversation. We'll see how that goes. I don't know but a few of the people, but I'm optimistic.

Over the next year, I hope to create some new traditions. I invite you to be a part of the ones that intrigue you, and also to create some new traditions for your life.

Here are a few ideas that I have:
  • 3rd Saturday of every month - Cook a full breakfast
  • Attend a matinee movie at lease 1 Sunday a month - - I did this almost every Sunday before I moved and it was so great and relaxing
  • Try a new activity every other month
  • take at least 1 trip with at least 4 other people every year -
  • Taking a family trip every year - I've always wanted to do this, but it has never been consistent
  • Go bowling again - I don't know how often though
I'm sure there are some more that I could think of, but it's about time for me to find some dinner.

The Break-Up

Gary: Is that how you want to play it Brooke? Because I can play it like that. I can play it like Lionel Richie, "All night long."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lack of Motivation

This is the first day of this challenge that I feel no motivation to post. I don't know what the problem is, but I am so unmotivated. So..... I guess that's all for today folks.

The Great Gatsby:

Jay Gatsby: Summer's almost over. It's sad, isn't it? Makes you want to - I don't know - reach out and hold it back.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day...

Is today really a holiday? It doesn't feel like it, but it's all good. I have been relaxing most of the day. Probably much need rest. I did a little more this weekend than I usually do, so I shouldn't complain. I am now about to go find me some memorial day food to eat, and if I fail at typical, i will just grab something. I wanted a snazzy hot dog for my meal and a fried snickers for dessert, but both of the places I wanted to go to were closed. : ( I wonder what everyone else is doing on this wonderful holiday?

The Holiday:

Arthur Abbott: I came to Hollywood over 60 years ago, and immediately fell in love with motion pictures. And it's a love affair that's lasted a lifetime. When I first arrived in Tinseltown, there were no cineplexes or multiplexes. No such thing as a Blockbuster or DVD. I was here before conglomerates owned the studios. Before pictures had special effects teams. And definitely before box office results were reported like baseball scores on the nightly news.