Wednesday, May 18, 2011

On the Wii again... (in my singing voice)

When I got in today, I decided that I wasn't going to put off working out any longer.. however, I didn't want to go the gym, so I pulled out the Wii Fit. This is the first time I have gotten on it since a couple of months before I moved to Texas.

I's gotta be like riding a bike. Once you know how, you never forget. That statement is very true in this situation. I remember the steps or moves or thrust like I've been doing them everyday. Unfortunately, I also remembered what it was like my first time playing on Wii fit... or rather my first time getting a beat down in Wii Fit. I was on it for exactly an hour and I am tired...any my back hurts a little.

I don't understand. It's not like I have been completely inactive since I've been here. I've probably been to the gym a total of 30 days and worked out at home quite a bit. I guess it's just a different kind of work out. I didn't burn off as many calories as I wanted, but I did continue moving for the entire hour. I even did a frew moves when in between games.

and to think... I was thinking about getting the insanity workout. I better slow my role.

I'm excited though... On my way to losing that 50 lbs by October.

May tomorrow bring more workouts.



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