I woke up to this,
which had this under it.
A product of affection.... from my 11 year old cousin. Yesterday, their mom went to a breadhouse and returned with various types of honey buns. There were only 2 of the above kind, which her 2 children received. I was a tad bit jealous. I had never seen one like it and I really wanted to taste. The 15 year old devoured her in a matter of minutes, so no go there. The 11 year old decided to have a make-shift banana split (vanilla ice cream and a cut up banana) for dessert insteade of eating her honey bun. I asked her if I could taste it when she opened it and she promptly responded "Yes Gina." I assumed she would forget and I would have to go buy one, but not only did she remember, but she left it as a surprise for me before she went off to school this morning.
The real me is thinking that she had her dirty curnudgeoned hands all over it as she stressfully cut the bun in a straight line and gave me enough. You can see in the picture that there is a second piece as if she thought the first was insufficient (a word we studied yesterday in relation to observations and scientific laws), which provided her another opportunity to touch all over it.
I pondered for about 30 minutes before I broke off the sides and tasted the middle, which to my bewilderment, was filled with a creme of some sort. I was expecting soft and delicious, not a soft and mushy explosion. Even though I was 2 seconds from vomiting, the bun was actually pretty tasty including the gunk in the middle.
I'll have to do something special for her. She's such a sweetheart.
Playstation 4 Mit Fifa 17
2 years ago