Friday, June 4, 2010

Stop Thinking... Just Do It

My summer has begun completelty different from lst year. I was spending the majority of my time working on something or other and talking about plans for fun things over the summer.  I ended the summer having done 1 of the things that I had planned and was not super bummer about it. I didn't have the chance to do that at ll this year.  Circumstances influenced me to take some time to do nothing. Nothing including sleepin late, frequent teips to some of my favorite places, more hanging out with people I care about, and the beginning to a wonderful wonderful summer.

Before I talk about this summer, I will say that I'm not a huge fan of summer.  I don't hate it or anything, I'm just not an OMG I can's wait for the summer to come type of person.  The heat is sometimes excrutiting, I tend to do things I want (ok, sometimes) throughout the year, and the summer doesn't bring an extended  vacation because of the type of work I did. It is just another series of days to me.

With that said, I think I have grown to think that summer is indeed the time that I am supposed to enter some exciting, never before chartered territory that ultimately sends me into a coma of out of this world pleasure. Well, I have done exactly that.. ok, I am obviously not in a com (Thank God), but I am havin a great summer so far.

I have spent quite some time enjoying life instead these last coupld of weeks and I plan to do more in the coming weeks.  I have also began my journey to other locations.  First being Destin for the day with Adam.  We went to what the websites and window signs claim to be the largest outlet mall in America.  Shopping was wonderful, the day was beautiful, the pizza not so much, and the peanut butter fudge brownie in vanilla custard dessert was freaking phenomenal.  Adam bought some pretty cool shirts and I bought a sweet purple flowered headband. I looked at some other things I liked, but decided that I wasn't stoked about anything except my headband even thought I tried on some great outfits. 

I am currently in the great flourishing establishment of Floral City. Ok, it isn't really thriving, but I am having a good time. A couple of weeks ago, Alan mentioned thato I could chill at his house for a couple days if I wanted. I was all for it especially since there were open days on my schedule. I didn't know what I was getting into, but that is a part of living. I was welcomed with wonderful welcomes and a spaghetti dinner. The table was set for me and all was good with my belly. We talked until almost midnight about family, history, culture, eating, rights of passage, struggles, and diversity. It was great. It made me think of my family and how grateful I am for the time we spend together.
Later on, I was approached with a cake that read Happy Birthday Regina! There are no words for what I felt. This will have to suffice. Thank you for making my life more wonderful at a time when I relly needed it.
I never expext anything from anyone. I just want to know that there are people that care that I exist and maybe even love me. I am grateful for everything that I get, but this brought a different feeling for me. a feeling of unwavering respect. These people took time out of their lives to create something for me before they met me. I know they love Alan and that is probably where some of the motivation came from, but welcoming me into their home is super wonderful by itself. The cake blew me away. I am honored to know
such wonderful people.

Alan and I went to one of my all time faorite plplaces and had a blast all day and all nightAlan pointed to a sign with a funny saying and my eyes lit up. Sex and the City slot machines. How freaking fantastic is that?.bad idea to play it though. It took $70 from me within the first hour. I ended up at a machine that rewarded me for my patience in the end. I would like to think that I chose wisely. Really though... I just got lucky. i spent another series of hours driving, sleeping, eating, movie watching, talking, eating, and driving some more. It has been a great couple of days.

Going to a beach, casino (2 times a charm???), and Disney has also come up over the past couple of weeks. I'm not sure where I am headed, but I'm ready for whatever.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Voting Time

The Blog-A-Day in May challenge is over. Time for Voting is now.The llinks are below. Feel feel to look at both surveys, but only vote on one.

Please vote by Sunday, June 6th  at 12pm.

Blog Participants ONLY - Only use this link if you were in the competition.

Readers ONLY - Only use this link if you were not in the competition.

Happy Voting.


Crap... This is post 100.  I was going to write something super great and I fogot until after i posted this.  Oh well.... 200, here I come.

Recovery Feels Good

Last year, I had a tragic accident that turned my life upside down. I'm not even sure there is a word to describe what I felt after it happened. I was trying my best not to mope around with puffedd up lips and saggy cheeks. things got easier as the months went on and eventually it was a thing of the past. Occasionally, I would be reminded and it would bring back feelings of stress and uneasiness. About 6 months after it happened, I gave myself a talk. Mainly to take ownership of my part in the catastrophe and also to place a little blame. At the end of the talk, I decided once and for all that it would never happen again if were to be put in the same situation.

It has been a year since it happened and today I believe I have completed recovered. Go here to read the post from last year.

If you have gone to the link, you may think I have been just a tad bit dramatic. I'm sure there are people out there that understand. Aren't there?

Anyway, moral of this story is that my OPERATING SYSTEM WAS FOUND!!!!!!!!!!

Fastlane computers has brought me back to life.

No more trips to the library to send an email, play a game, or book a flight. No more time ticking -library gives you 2 1 hour sessions a day due to high traffice volume - really? No more random people rubbing arms with me (UGH) because they have gotten too comfortable at their computer and have leaned over into my computer space. No more of that. Now don't get me wrong... I love people watching and the library is definitely a place to do that. You have children that have been tossed out until the library closes at 9 so their guardians can do anything but talk to them, homeless people sleeping, high schoolers (sometime older) trying to mack of someone (usually works with really bad line like what would you say if someone thought you were fly and that person was shy and didn't know how to approach you), people yelling about how they didn't use the computer code that they reserved with their library card number and how it is unfair for them not to get another one, and other people like me sitting and watching everyone else and inevitably being watched by someone else. How can i give all of that up? Well, I will still go to check out library books and the occasional movie or book on CD.

I'm not sure if there is a more beautiful sound right now that the sound of my computer booting up. I immediately went to check things out to see what i was working with. My hard drive was shot, so I have no personal items saved, but so what. Shift happens and you have to get over it or let it take you down. I'm not down with the latter. I soon reaized that they put in a new hard drive and reinstalled my operating system like I asked, but they did not install office software. Yes, I knew this, but did not really think about. I just wanted to get my computer fixed. Well, now I sit here formuating this post in WordPad.. My Gosh... WTC. I am going to check my computer programs at home to see if I still have the windows 07 software that I used prior to the crash of 09.

I just have to say that it feels great to be connected to the world again. people run the world (their world at least) by internet and using Wii internet or my crap phone (no use in getting internet on it) just won't cut it. so, I'm back and I'm excited. Get ready for whatever I'm bringing.


~Reel Moments~

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

George Bailey (James Stewart) Now, you listen to me! I don't want any plastics, and I don't want any ground floors, and I don't want to get married - ever - to anyone! You understand that? I want to do what I want to do. And you're... and you're...