Monday, May 2, 2011

Happy Monday! Not for real...

So, I woke up late this morning. Typically, it doesn't matter if I'm a few minutes late because I work late almost everyday anyway. However, today we were celebrating our Administrative staff and I was responsible for bringing the breakfast drinks (orange juice, chocolate milk and coffee creamer) for everyone. Needless to say that I didn't venture to the store on Sunday, so that was going to make me even later. It took me loads of time longer than I usually take to get up and I caught (yep caught) myself just sitting on the end of the bed staring at the closet doors. What the crap was that all about. My head was a little tilted too which made it even more bizarre. Anyway, I moved myself along and finally left the apartment at 9:02. The celebration was scheduled to start at 8:30. I sent a test that said I was on my way and I flew to the car. Ok, I actually walked, but I figured I was already late and if they hadn't gotten anything to drink by now then they could just wait a little longer.

Anywho, I'm driving thinking about how long it's going to take me to get in and out of Walmart... I decided that was out of the question. QT was my next choice. Let's just hope that the upscale gast station has chocolate milk, orange juice and coffee creamer. It has everything else including my morning coffee when I can't afford Starbucks or at least shouldn't spend 5 bucks on it. Low and behold, QT has everything I'm looking for. Granted, it's all much smalled than I need, but I can't be choosy. I load my arms with double of everything including the legit coffee creamer (french vanilla and sweet cream)and head to the counter. I'm on the way to work by 9:15 and I'm thinking, man did I make good time. I'll try to hide the gas station bags when I get to the kitchen. Didn't happen, boss man was walking out of his office and graciously took the bags from me. My fingers were a bit cramped. Whatever, it's not like I don't buy stuff from there for me. If it's good enough for me, it's good enough for you.

Oh, I didn't mention the monsoon that engulfed us all today. Again, a bit dramatic, but when you're already moving slow, any rain especially lots of it doesn't help at all.

The rest of the day was pretty mild. We figured out where we're going for our staff retreat and I'm super excited. That post will come in a few weeks.

In other news, the blogging challenge is officially underway. I was a little skeptical about it happening being that a few of us have moved or are in the process of moving. It took an act of God to get it going in the first place, so let's just say I'm a bit shocked, but uber excited that it's happening. I have already read a few posts from fellow bloggers and so far so good. Looking forward to reading frim veterans and newcomers. I really enjoy this challenge and hope it happens every year until forever. I'm just kind flying by the seat of my knickers for this year. I thought about doing things that disgust me and cause internal vomiting, but figured that may be a little too much for the challenge, so I might just throw a couple in hear of there. Bloggers are below.


• A post must be made each week day in May, meaning weekends are not required, but may be bonus points later...every post should be made after 12:01 am and before 11:59 pm each day.
• In general, vacations, days off during the week, travel, etc. are not exemptions to blogging. If extenuating circumstances arise, we can discuss on a case by case basis.
• Everyone should take the time to read everyone else in order to make the voting better in the end.
• While themes are not required, they may be helpful bonus points.
• No word minimum.
• Be creative, show your personality, and love blogging!
• Voting will take place at the end of the month for individual category winners as well as the overall winner of the challenge.

Well, I guess that's about all for the moment... Oh, I just rented Wall Street and the next 3 days and I'm about to try to watch them both. I'm taking off tomorrow so I can go look for an apartment, but who says I can't sleep in for a bit. :)

Happy Blogging!


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