Friday, May 1, 2009

What the Crap am I doing?

So, I would like to welcome you to the wonderful world of.... ummm....... whatever

Here is a little about why I started a blog.

Someone and I were talking...
We talked to some other people...

...and a challenge developed.

Official May Blog-a-thon Rules:
  • Must blog every weekday in May (weekends off- Memorial Day is a weekend).
  • Mid-week vacations are NOT exempt from blogging (if you need to sub a Saturday or Sunday fine- but let us all know first! None of that "whoops I forgot to post on Thursday- I will make up for it on Saturday" garbage!
  • You may post about the challenge in your first blog- or as your first blog.
  • For it to count as a post, you must use words... this is not a scrapbooking contest. There is no specified minimum number of words or language preference. Blog in Hebrew for all we care.
  • In the event of a tie, quality and quantity of posts will be judged.
I have been stressing out all day about this ridiculous challenge, and I still haven't come up with anything to write. I have thought about what I like (playing Wii), what I don't like (mowing the lawn), crazy stuff that people do (sit behind you, smoke God knows what, play spades, talk loud, and blow bubbles at you), and all other types of random things that I could have talk about today. I guess I didn't do enough research (I read a blogging book and about 1 million blogging websites - I want my money back), because I have nothing to talk about.

I have decided that I will quote a movie at the end of each post.

Side Note: I love movies.

I ask that you not judge me for choosing certain movies. It is inevitable that you will disagree with at least one of my choices, so prepare for that moment.

As I leave to go see Wolverine, I leave you with a quote from Stranger than Fiction...

"This may sound like gibberish to you, but I think I'm in a tragedy"