Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Throw or Not...

If I really let go, I would take all the packed up boxes, suitcases, bags, and misc. other container-type things that are lined up along the wall in my supposed to be dining room/coffee lounge and throw it all in the trash, and then the sh!t would it the fan, because I will inevitably need something from in one of the boxes as soon as the trash is picked up. Now, i don't consider myself a packrat or a hoarder, but I am very motivated to leave that crap where it is at. Not because I want it, but because I don't know if I want it. I guess that could put me in one of the categories, but I'm not claiming either title. I'm sure i'd find yearbooks, love letters, pictures i've drawn, pictures i,ve taken, random school supplies, old cell phones, recipes, coloring books, sorority stuff, bills, ink cartridges, toys, crafting stuff, and other things that signify select pieces of my life. I could probably legitimately get rid of 90% of it and not be affected. It is the other 10% that keeps my wall held hostage. It is also a little bit of... I live alone and it isn't bothering anyone syndrome. I can do it later.

That statement has apparently been my unknown motto for the last 2 years. Do it later...It's crazy though because everything I've been putting on hold will ultimately make life just a little bit better. Anyway, back to the mess. Yes. it may take me an entire weekend to really go through the pile of unorganized madness, but to then it will be gone and I can put an oversized chair, my fav books, magazines, and candles there in order to bring a mini resort-style lounge into my home. Actually, it would be smaller than mini... I'll call it cozy. The area is also next to the kitchen for quick snack grabbing.

Well, since I'm not letting go, the pile of madness will continue to hold my wall hostage until....

Reel Moments

Maid in Manhattan

Christopher Marshall: Well, I don't think you're leaving. I think you're running. And what I can't figure out is, are you running towards something you want? Or are you running away from something you're afraid to want?


J. Kelly said...

yea...I have the same problem...

Esoteric Prose said...

I say throw. Annnnd I'm willing to help. However, you may not like me afterward...

Also amazing quote. So, so true.

billydee said...

I have a closet like that, my golf clubs usually occupy the dining area.

Susan said...

The last time I moved (6ish months ago) I boxed up a ton of stuff that I thought I didn't really need anymore and was holding me hostage. And in six months I haven't needed one single thing. So this weekend it is all going to a flea market along with a huge pile of other assorted crap out of my closet in the hopes that I can make a dollar and the stuff will hold someone else hostage. I would recommend a purgatory method if you're hesitant to get rid of it. In the end, it feels AMAZING!

Regina said...

See, it all seems so easy when I read it on the screen, but then i look back over my right shoulder... and I think... yeah right.

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