Thursday, May 20, 2010

To Sit In or Not...

If I really let go, I would sit in borders at closing time as if I didn't hear them, and then the sh!t would hit the fan because there would be multiple angry people that were ready to go the moment they came to work that would be more than willing to clobber me for ignoring them. Here are some of the reasons that I would do this.

1. Borders is my go to place. It should be open whenever I want to go to it.
2. Places that have books, magazines, coffee, snacks, bathrooms, play areas, free internet, and comfy chairs in one location should always be open.
3. Good conversation should never be stifled by the ticking of the clock.
4. There is always something to be done, and people don't always want to do it at home... Or they may not have the resources to do it.
5. Because I think it should stay open.

#3 is really the reason for this post. I have found myself and others on multiple occasions being shoved out of borders by the unnecessary yelling over the PA system, dimming of lights, stacking of chairs, collecting of used goods by pushy barista's, and miscellaneous noises. I understand that closing time is closing, but what about the wellbeing of the loyal customers that frequent the store for any and everything? Do we not matter? I mean seriously though... There is no reason that I should have to stand outside of borders (comfy chairs inside NOT being sat in) for an hour to not finish a conversation all because the workers wanted to go home. Hire more people... pay them less and keep them longer (JK)... Do something because I need my go to place to be open when I want to go to it.

Since I'm not letting go, I'm going to continue getting my crap and standing outside, or just stop talking to people... Is that what you want Borders executives? To destroy the human race by discouraging late night processing.

SN: Tooth extraction tomorrow... Cross your fingers that I don't fight the dentist for sticking me with needles.

~Reel Moments~

Look Who's Talking

Mikey: Help, Help! Burp me before I explode.


J. Kelly said...

this makes me laugh...good luck at the dentist!

adam said...

The coffee guys are SO loud when kicking people out over the PA.

Esoteric Prose said...

"Is that what you want Borders executives? To destroy the human race by discouraging late night processing." <-- Love this. And yes, it could happen. Processing is on my top 10 'list of favorite things to do that usually annoy other people who just don't get it.' Yay dentist! And booo needles! Hope you do great and heal well!

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