Sunday, May 16, 2010

To Bust or Not...

If I were to really let go, I would bust a whole in my living room wall that I unfortunately share with a neighbor in order to tell him to slop playing the same notes on that freaking keyboard all night, and then the sh!t would hit the fan. Reasons... I'm renting, I don't know how to patch up a wall, I would have to have to look at my neighbor everytime I went in the living room, i'm pretty sure he would be pretty pissed for knocking a hole in his wall, he may be crazy, and i'm renting. For real though, he plays the same tunes over and over and over again. It isn't extremely loud, but def loud enough to irritate me. I would even be ok if he only did it in the daytime, but it is freaking after 11. I have taken my ny quil and my eyes are starting to drift...and then I hear... doom doom doom da da...doom doom doom da da... over and over again.

Now I know I have contributed to some late night noise during social time at Kelly's, Mer's, and Amber's, but at least it was during some type of celebration or something. This guy just plays. Granted, I don't know what he does for a living, but he surely can't be making money off what he is currently playing.

The noise has taken a hopeful turn for the better... TV. So, I am off in hopes of falling asleep in less than 5 min and sleeping a little late tomorrow.

~Reel Moments~

Music and Lyrics

Alex Fletcher: The few syllables you got out were absolutely devastating.


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