Monday, May 3, 2010

Theme of the Month

It was hard for me to think of a theme that was broad enough to not get bored or stumped, yet specific enough to not get frustrated with the broadness of it. I am pretty spastic with my writing.  I like to jump around and just write whatever.  That is probably true in everything that I do including, but not limited to living arrangements, jobs, journaling, reading, traveling, other hobbies, etc.
So, with this in mind, my theme for the month is not really a theme.  It is more of a leading statement that I will use to begin my post each day.  This will give me the freedom to be spastic, while also limiting my spastic-ness just a little.  My goal is to not be boring or repetitive, but instead to be creative and have a reason to say all the things that I wouldn't actually say out loud.  Maybe some of them, but definitely not all of them. You could probably consider this month to be a series of rants that were initiated by events, interactions, or random mumblings in my machinery (machinery = my brain - It was in a movie I watched yesterday- that’s kind of weird in a sentence though) I’m not really sure what will happen, or how this will pan out.... but hear me now and hear me clearly…. 
My plan is to stick this out for the entire month.  If I get bored, I will do something else.
So here is what I have come up with after many many hours of trying to come up with a leading sentence… 
Side Note:  If you are thinking what the crap??? You worked for many hours and that is what you came up with....then you should stop reading my blog now because it is only downhill from here.
Side Note 2:  I'm not really sure if it was hours, minutes, or seconds
So, here it is...... If I were to really let go, ......................... and then the sh!t would hit the fan That is how I will begin each post. 


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