Sunday, June 6, 2010

When I like it, I do it in excess.

II have said this so much in the past 24 hours, but it has been one of the stories if my life. 

That statement is my way of owning up to things that may not be super productive... mainly to others, but I know when I've gotten out of hand. Something that immediately comes to mind is playing games. There is something about them that grabs me by the neck and pins me down for hours on end. I asume it started as a kid (not sure) and it has just stuck with me. I enjoy all types of games... Board, video, card, sports, puzzle, saturday morning cartoon, street, and computer games. I haven't found a game that I truly disliked. I'm usually the one that suggest playing them. I'm usually the one that will play until the end or way beyond the end. I'm usually the one that plays a single player game and gets yelled at for ignoring people in the room. My love of games also tends to flow over into other parts of my life and threatens to disrupt it. It usually doesn't succeed, but definitely bruises the surface.

Yesterday, i ended the day by playing Pairs of pears and rummykub with friends. Earlier that day, I took myself off the year and a half phone punishment i've been on and bought a mytouch slide for my birthday.

Electronics are just like games for me. When I find one I like, I use it in excess. The fussing started early in the night and showed up unannounced a few different times. Like I said earlier, it never completely disrupts my life, just bruises it. I am usually able to bring everything back to normal. I would also like to think that i can multi-task pretty well.... except when something is really pulling my attention. When it came to our conversation yesterday, the phone won over and over. I had to put it away before it ruined friendships. It was also going dead and that didn't help my desire to play with battery reducing programs.

I haven't figured out if blogging, competition, or staying connected is the draw to what I do here. I just finished our 2nd annual blog a day in may competion and am about to join another one that resumes for the remainder of the summer. Visit Pocket Susan for more info on this challenge. I will update my Blog Challenge page soon with more info.

Anyway, I have quite a few things that I truly enjoy doing a lot. I think it is great that I am able to commit wholeheartedly to doing. Yeah, blah blah blah right time and right place. Commitment is a desirable trait no matter what anyone says. (Smile)

All jokes aside...
Do what you love and love what you do. That way you can have some amunition when people try to stop you. Don't let it disrupt your life, but a little bruise here and there can be patched up like new.

What are some things you do in excess or more importantly, who else has noticed?


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