Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day Four

It's day 4 for me and I'm struggling. I have been doing my workouts super late at night...Mainly because I dread it all day. I'm going to have to change up the time because it's now midnight and I had to force myself to put on workout clothes 5 minutes ago and am now doing everything I can think of to not start working out.

It's awful. I'm not in the best of shape by any means (no health problems though), but I'm no newbie to working out. Even still, I'm not just exhausted when I finish, I feel like...IO don't even know what I feel like, but it's not good. I had to split plyometric (day 1) into 2 parts because I was so tired halfway through. Last night, I just knew I would vomit (sorry if TMI), but luckily I didn't. I can however tell I'm getting in a groove because I'm stopping less often and don't feel like total garbage at the end.

I find myself looking in mirrors hoping by the mercy of God and Shawn T that I look different somewhere because it sure as heck makes me feel like I should feel different.

Well, Here goes nothing...Pure Cardio, I plan to bring it and I know you do too.

BTDub...Tomorrow is Election Day 2012! Go out and Vote, Eat Well, and Party like it 19...I mean 2012!


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