Saturday, May 16, 2009

Angels and Demons review

I don't have time to post a review now because the library is about to close, but I will hopefully post my review tomorrow.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Contest update!!!

So, currently Meghan is in first place. She used 6 of the words in a sentence. They were pretty good. Is anyone else bold enough to challenge her?

Go here to enter the contest.

Fast and the Furious:

Dom: Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile; winning's winning.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Useless Contest!!!!!

The other day, I was thinking "I wish I could enter a contest, because I want to win something". I went in search of contest on the web. I found this, this, this, this, this, and this. I didn't find anything that would grant me immediate satisfaction, so I stopped looking.

Later that afternoon, I had a brilliant idea , or at least an idea that was ridiculous enough that I could call it whatever I wanted. I said "I can create my own contest". That was pretty much the end of that conversation with myself.

I had a thought today as I was reading blogs and I ran with it.

I've been writing those stupid approval words down for the past 2 or 3 days because I couldn't resist, even though I had no idea what I would do with them. I have 15 of them, 1 of which is actually a real word (slower). The rest are completely useless words......up until now. So here are the contest rules.

Useless Contest Rules:

  • How many of these words can you use in a sentence?
  • You may change the spelling of a word as long as the new spelling sounds the same as the original word.
  • You may also split a word as long as the two pieces follow each other.
  • Keep in mind the sentences need to make sense.
  • The person that uses the most words gets a prize.

Here is an Example:
  • Word: smopens
  • Sentence: I need to go to the store so I can get some mo(re) pens.
  • smopens = some mo(re) pens

Thanks Jimmy for that example from back when we played scrabble.

Here are the words...

  • Unnizies
  • hento
  • vatingil
  • fixedi
  • wisibl
  • inatorac
  • ratio
  • suchicid
  • joustph
  • ticatio
  • cadif
  • mogreent
  • sledog
  • holoi
Good luck!

Freedom Writers:

Andre: Justice doesn't mean the bad guy goes to jail, it just means that someone pays for the crime.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My soul is about to be damaged again :(

Every year, like clockwork, my soul becomes more and more damaged. No matter how much I try to prepare for it, it happens. People say if you pace yourself, things will be fine. Maybe it works in some situations, but not this one. I committed myself six years ago in 2003, and have never looked back. I think sometimes that I should have re-evaluated why I let myself get attached when I knew what was ahead. I told myself that it wouldn't get to me, that you have to enjoy life while you can, that other people were doing it (I really didn't say that, but it seemed to fit). So anyway, as the years rolled on, I continue to have great moments and happiness and horrible moments of pain. Towards the end of 2006, I thought I was going to be able to get out of the situation. I told myself that it wasn't worth the heartache, and that I should get out while I can.

Well, it's 2009..... I never got out. Crap, addictions are hard to let go. I've never been addicted to drugs or alcohol, but I've had my share of other addictions.

HBO explains that addiction is a chronic relapsing brain disease. Brain imaging shows that addiction severely alters brain areas critical to decision-making, learning and memory, and behavior control, which may help to explain the compulsive and destructive behaviors of addiction.

I prefer to use the phrase never-ending passion instead of addiction. Sometimes, you just need something to make it to the next day. I'm sure you all have experienced that. If you haven't, maybe you should rethink your life. The problem with having that never-ending passion for something is that you may not know when it is time to let go. You continue to hold on until it is too late.

I am not at the point where I think it is too late. Although, I might just not be willing to say that I am to that point. Regardless, tonight is when the damaging begins. It usually last for a minimum of a couple weeks, but has last for 2+ months. Maybe, the time will be less since I'm getting it off my chest. I'm usually pretty optimistic about things, but not so sure about this.

If you see me looking down for a while, just remember that never-ending passion I talked about. I will get over it soon. If you would like to experience the pain with me, Turn to channel CW at 8pm to watch the Season Finale of America's Next Top Model.

Here are the finalist. Only one can be AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL.




I would post a play by play, but I haven't found my operating system yet.

Soul Food:
I apologize. This one is a little vulgar, but an important quote in the movie.

Max: Teri, listen to what they're saying. Your mama worked hard to keep that house in the family. For everyone, you and your family...

Teri: F*** the family! I let the family in my house. You know what? The family f***** my husband.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Weekend search follow-up

This past weekend, I was on a mission to find the following things.
  • Apartment
  • Zelda Wii game on sale for a friend
  • Gym and maybe tennis shoes
  • Cute pair of brown and black sandals for works
  • Summer work clothes
  • A new reading place
  • A new type of coffee
  • A money tree

Here are my accomplishments.

I bought:
  • 1 shirt
  • 1 pair of workout pants
I became an official inhabitant of Florida by:
I found:
  • the Zelda game for regular price and 20% cheaper than the regular price (not enough)
I read at:
  • Zaxby's while eating dinner one night (not what I would consider a new reading place, but what the heck)
  • Barnes and Noble
  • Home
Side Note: I finished a book.

Apartment search:
  • I asked my current apartment one question about moving to another apartment.
Gym search:
  • There was a flyer under my wipes from golds that says Summer for free at Gold's Gym (Maybe it's a sign)

So, I accomplished a lot. Don't you think.

Finding Nemo:

Dory: Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills. When life gets you down do you wanna know what you've gotta do?

Marlin: No I don't wanna know.

Dory: [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.

Marlin: Dory, no singing.

Dory: [continuing] Ha, ha, ha, ha, ho. I love to swim. When you want to swim you want to swim.

Marlin: Now I'm stuck with that song... Now it's in my head.

Dory: Sorry.

Monday, May 11, 2009

$ Mother's Day Tribute $

Happy Mother's Day again mom. You are the greatest!

Hardest working celebrity mom according to Forbes.

Mother to Lourdes, Rocco and David

$110 million in 2008

If I could make 1 million, continue to be a non-mom, and not live in the south (I dislike the heat) life would be pretty remarkable.

$ Mad Money $

Bob Truman: They say money can't buy happiness but it sure as h**l buys everything else.